Reb Yehoshua FELDMAN
Rabbi Yehoshua FELDMAN owned a steamboat from Pinsk to Kiev. Married to Rivka of
- Herschel FELDMAN wanted to bring
Ruben (below) to America, but Ruben
refused to come. Married to Sarah. Lived in New York.
- Izzel FELDMAN, pharmacist
- Isaac FELDMAN also lives in New York.

Gute Tova (Gertrude) FELDMAN (b.
1863, d. 5 July 1949. Buried Yanover Cemetery, Waldheim, Illinois, Gate 125, Lot 317, Row 3,
Grave 5, Id no. 42521)
- Abraham Jacob FELDMAN married Rivka.
- Nahum Moshe FELDMAN (b. around 1870 Pinsk).
Nahum and Michl left Pinsk around 1890
and changed name to SHINEBAUM.
Contact: Great-granddaughter Yael
- brother moved to US
- Abraham Jehiel FELDMAN (b. 1893 Kiev, Ukraine). Reformed rabbi. Immigrated to US in 1906. President of Central Conference of American Rabbis (1947-1949).
(Encyclopedia Judaica 22 Volume Set
VI p. 1218.)
- Cecelia FELDMAN (b. 28 May 1895, d. 9 Dec. 1979) married Benjamin BAER
around the year 1914. I know that at least the BAERs were from Latvia (near Estonia
on the Baltic Sea). The FELDMANs were supposed to be on the ship with them as
they traveled over to the US to land in Baltimore, Maryland.
She is said to have 9 siblings: Joseph, Herman, Maurice, Julis, Edward, Jack, Al, Flora and
Their mother was called by Lena. No maiden name or spouse is known.
Contact: Cecelia's great-granddaughter Michele TYSON
Mmarti57 at
- Bezalel FELDMAN (b. Pinsk) immigrated to Israel in 1948. Contact: Sharoni FELDMAN
- Clara FELDMAN (b. Kiev about 1878, d. 1897 in US).
Contact her great grandson Robert BERNSTEIN
- David FELDMAN feldman at,
my roommate at Caltech, electrical engineer. His brother
Phillip FELDMAN.
His sister Pam FELDMAN pcosman at ece.UCSD.EDU
married Bard COSMAN
- Three sisters:
- Dora FELDMAN (b. 1879 Pinsk), great-grandmother of
- Shifreh (Sarah) FELDMAN mother of Ruven GREENSTEIN, grandmother of
Molly and Bernie.
- Rivkeh (Ray) FELDMAN
- Ferdinad FELDMAN , born 1895, resided in Brooklyn,
NY and was a taxi driver. Contact: Barbara NOLLMAN
- Jaclyn Adrienne FELDMAN
(b. 9 May 54)
- John Jacob FELDMAN, married Pinkie RUGG. Their daughter Miriam Barbara FELDMAN married
LAWTON. Contact: Miriam's granddaughter Brenda EZELL
- Jacob FELDMAN married Zipora
- Anna (Naomi) FELDMAN (b. around 1865, Pinsk, Belarus).
Married Mordechai (Max) HILFMAN. Eight children.
Anna and Max immigrated to the U.S.A. in the early 1910's.
Contact: great-greatdaughter Laurie TESSIER.
- Herschel FELDMAN
- Joseph FELDMAN
(b. ~1810, d. ~1870)
lived in Dubroisk (shtetl outside
Pinsk). Contact: his great-great-grandson
David RUDO
- Solomon or Samuel FELDMAN married Lena or Lizzie.
Travelled to Baltimore, Maryland from Latvia with the BAER family.
- Cecilia FELDMAN (b. 28 May 1895, d. 12 Sep. 1979)
m. (around 1914) Benjamin BAER from Latvia.
Contact: great granddaughter Michele TYSON
- Joseph FELDMAN
- Herman FELDMAN
- Maurice FELDMAN
- Julius FELDMAN
- Edward FELDMAN
- Isadore FELDMAN
- Abraham (Al) FELDMAN.
Contact his grandson: Bobby ROTKER
- Louisia FELDMAN
married Ludwig Goerdel in 1870. Emigrated
from Hanover Province, Germany c. 1866 to Hamilton Cty, Hamilton, Texas where she is now buried.
She was daughter of Justinia ??? and a bricklayer/stonemaster in
Germany named ??? FELDMAN.
writes: "We were the
biggest family of FELDMANs in South Africa and our family originates from
Skapiskis in Lithuania. In our family there was my uncle Prof. Max FELDMAN
- professor of Psychiatry in Johannesburg; my dads cousin Louis FELDMAN,
the author of a number of works in Yiddish incuding A History of the Jews
in South Africa, and
The Jews of Oudtshoorn;
his brother Richard FELDMAN a member of
the Transvaal Provincial Council in the 30's and 40's and quite a few more."
- Martin L. C. FELDMAN, U. S. District Court Judge, Lousiana Eastern Circuit
- Marty FELDMAN (1933-1982) British comedian
- Melanie FELDMAN caught a 72 pound 12 ounce Tope on December 19, 1986 in New Zealand
- Mendal FELDMAN married Rachel (Rose) DUCHEMAN
(Benumin Schloima) FELDMAN, born 1889, in the town of
Kischinew (also known as Kishinev or Chisinau which
is now in Moldova). Came to the United States in 1914 at
the age of 24 to Ellis Island onboard the S.S. Potsdam with his
21 year old sister, Clara. Went to live with their uncle,
A. Blum, 1519 Washington Avenue, Bronx, New York and worked
as an iron worker. Benjamim married Ethel (Yetta) GERMAN
or GORMAN (born 1894, Kamenitz, Russia)
- Isadore (Irving) FELDMAN (born 1921, Bronx, New York)
married Geraldine GINSBERG (born 1922)
- Morris FELDMAN (b.
1895) emigrated from Pinsk, Belarus to Edmonton, Canada
with his wife Fanny SHAPIRO (b. 1900) (also
from Pinsk) in approx. 1925. Morris has 5 sisters,
4 stayed in Pinsk and perished along with husbands and children
except for one brother-n-law that survived and went to Israel after the
Holocaust and remarried. Sonya FELDMAN (Morris' sister) is still alive
and living in Montreal.
Contact: Marla PETAL
or granddaughter Marilyn FELDMAN CAMPBELL.
- Morton FELDMAN (b. Jan. 12, 1926, New York City. d. Sept. 3, 1987, Buffalo,
N.Y.), American composer
associated with the New York group of composers led by John CAGE.
- Nathan (Nahum) FELDMAN (b. Pinsk)
married Esther SCHUTZ (b. Shcheretz). Nathan sailed to New York City (November 1898 Werkendam ship)
and was joined by Esther and their children who arrived in New York City
December 1900
on the H. H. MEIER.
They settled on the
lower east side near his wife's cousins.
- Max FELDMAN married to Fanny WOLPIANSKY and lived with her in Perth Amboy.
- Horace FELDMAN
- Bernard FELDMAN
- Norma FELDMAN married ZAHN (originally ZAHNSTECHER).
- Joseph E. FELDMAN, not married, died in combat during World War 1 in France where he is buried.
- Hyman Isaac FELDMAN (b. Shcheretz or Szczerec, Poland, about 15 miles from Lviv).
Only sibling who attended college (Yale University).
Well-known architect in New York City. Father of Naomi FATOUROS (nee FELDMAN)
- Yetta (Henrietta or Jente) FELDMAN, youngest sibling, married Louis
ROSENZWEIG, a pharmacist in Brooklyn. The ROZENZWEIGS had two sons, Murray ROZENZWEIGS
- Nathan FELDMAN known as Feldie.
(Worked in various portfolios for the Natal Provincial Administration, South
Africa. Lived in Pietermaritzburg. One of the pioneers of the Drakensburg,
Champagne Castle area.)
His father (name unknown) was a tailor.
Nathan and his wife Mabel had 3 children, one boy and twin girls:
- David Nigel FELDMAN married Jane NOMICO.
- Craig Oliver FELDMAN. Lives
in Johannesburg.
- Graham Kevin Adam FELDMAN
(known as Adam). married
Kerry-Ayn FORBES in 2001 ( Adam is an electrical engineer and lives in Johannesburg.
- Dr. Ann FELDMAN married
David TAPSON. She has a doctorate and has written books on plants
in Southern Africa.
Children: John TAPSON, Anton TAPSON
and Ross TAPSON.
- Ruth FELDMAN married
Peter Jackson.
Children: Chris JACKSON, Lee JACKSON,
(b. 15 May 1873 Zhytomyr, Volhynia, Ukraine) married (about 1896) Leah
GALKIN (b. 1878 Zhytomyr). They
immigrated to New York City between 1910 and 1914
- Israel FELDMAN (b. 29 Oct. 1897 Zhytomyr) m. Anne. Three
- Lena FELDMAN (b. 1 Oct. 1898 Zhytomyr) m. Sam EISENBERG. Three
- Joseph FELDMAN (b. 30 June 1903 Zhytomyr) m. Ruth. Two children.
- Shirley FELDMAN
(b. 1904 Zhytomyr) m. GOLDSMITH. They had one child. Remarried Buddy
- Max FELDMAN (b. 1907 Zhytomyr) m. Blanche. Two children.
- Claire FELDMAN (b. 1910 Zhytomyr) m. Harry TILOVE. One child.
- Etta FELDMAN (b. 14 May 1914 NYC) m. Sam ROSENKRANTZ. Two children.
- Samuel FELDMAN (b. 25 Feb. 1916 NYC), married Pauline SCHWARTZ, and had two sons.
- Richard FELDMAN married Patricia. Children: Keith Rubin FELDMAN and Kevin Frank FELDMAN
- Gerald FELDMAN married Marianne.
- Shneur ZALMAN FELDMAN (d. 1889 Skopeshik, Lithuania) son of Nochem FELDMAN,
who moved to Skapiskis, from place unknown, to marry Musha WEITZ daughter of Yudel WEITZ.
They were still living in 1889 in Skapiskis.
Related families: GORDON and DAVIDOWITZ.
All known descendants of this family moved to South Africa before World War 2, except for two grandaughters of Shneur
ZALMAN who were in Skapiskis with
their families when the Germans entered and their brother Itsik FELDMAN
who moved to New York, c. 1885, had 2 children there - Sam and Hannah and
contact with them has been lost. Contact: Jules FELDMAN
jfeldman at
- Tzippe Leah FELDMAN married Yisroel GORDON.
Children: [5] Bella (Beila) GORDON (b. c. 1853), [6] Tobie GORDON (b. 1855) and
Tzippe Leah FELDMAN remarried Yehoshua TWORETZKY. Son: [7] Mendel GORDON (b. 1879).
(More details are available.)
- Yankel FELDMAN (b. c. 1840 Skopeshik, Lithuania, d. 1928 Skopeshik, Lithuania)
married Sheine (b. c. 1849) daughter of Itsik.
- [8] Itzek FELDMAN (b. c. 1857) immigrated (1897) to New York. He married
Fannie (Paja) (b. c. 1865, immigrated 7 Apr. 1905 New York) daughter of Moshe.
- [9] Avrum FELDMAN (b. 1860)
- [10] Joseph (Yosse) FELDMAN (b. c. 1862)
- [11] Friedel FELDMAN (b. 1873)
- [12] Rifka FELDMAN (b. c. 1877)
- [13] Mendel FELDMAN (b. c. 1878)
- Chana FELDMAN (b. c. 1878 Skopeshik, Lithuania)
Remarried Moshe Mordechai EPSTEIN
- [14] Julius (Yudel) FELDMAN (b. c. 1882)
- Wilhelm FELDMAN (b. 1861 Zbaras, Galicia, d. 1919), Polish author and critic.
(Encyclopedia Judaica 22 Volume Set
VI p. 1218.)
- Yaakov FELDMAN from in or around Kobrin (75 miles west of Pinsk). Yaakov
married Elke STAFFSKY (b.1905) and had Motel FELDMAN (b.1935) and Louisa
FELDMAN (b.1936). Louisa married a man named Monte, and they had Daniel
(b.1959) and Golda (b.1967). Contact Adam J. KANCIPER
Others collecting information on FELDMANs:
- Carol SITRIN, 83 Prospect St. Marlboro, NY 12542
(914) 236-4137
- Kurt FROEHLICH, Burnie, MD
Daniel E. LOEB, eMail: