Rabbi Zikri MESSAS (1792-1855)
Rabbi Zikri MESSAS (b. 1792, d, 1855). Children:
- Rabbi Chalom MESSES (b. 1827, d. 1886) married Jamila BERDUGO.
Rabbi Chalom MESSAS was the author of Divre Chalom, published by his grandson also named Rabbi Chalom MESSAS.
- Rabbi Mimoun MESSAS (b. 1875, d. 1949) maarried Rac'hel SOUDRY.
- Rabbi Chalom MESSAS (b. 1909, d. 2003) married the
daughter of Moshe ELKHIEF.
- Rabbi David MESSAS (b. 15 July 1934 Meknes)
married Dolly BERDUGO.
- Rabbi Albert MESSAS (b. around 1965 Meknes)
- Nathalie MESSAS (b. Meknes), pharmacist married
David GAON (b. 15 July 1934, d. 20 Nov. 2024)
son of
Renée TAMMAN (b. 1927, d. 2014) and
Nessim GAON (b. 22 February 1922, Khartoum, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan,
d. 10 May 2022 Geneva, Switzerland).
- Avigdor Acher GAON married (26 Dec. 2024)
Iska PARTOUCHE daughter of Guy Gideon PARTOUCHE
and Aliza SEBBAN daughter of Patricia and Lazare SEBBAN.
Thanks to Jeremie Sion BERREBI (b. 4 June 1978, Paris) jeremie@berrebi.org
father of Shirel Sion BERREBI (b. 3 Mar 2003)
wife of Nathan PARTOUCH (b. 7 June 2000)
brother of Iska PARTOUCHE
- Rabbi Ariel MESSAS author of the biography of his grandfather
Rav Chalom MESSAS: Grand Rabbin de Jerusalem
- Emmanuel MESSAS, medical student.
- Rabbi David MESSAS (b. 1833, d. 1878).
- Rabbi Haim MESSAS (b. 1843, d. 1901)
Rabbi Chalom MESSAS (1909-2003)
Rabbi Chalom MESSAS (b. 1909, d. 2003) was the Great Rabbi of Morocco, and
after making aliyah became the Sephardic Great Rabbi of Jerusalem.
He wrote many books Mizrah Chemech, Tevouot Chemech, Chemech Oumaguen, Beit Chemech and
Veham Hachemech.
He also edited and published:
Rabbi David MESSAS (1934-)
Rabbi David MESSAS ran the Ecole Yavne in Paris.
He was the Grand Rabbi of Paris since 1995.
From Alpha Omega, May 2001,
"David MESSAS has dedicated his life to the pursuit of excellence in Jewish thought and teachings. Son of Rav Shalom MESSAS,
head rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi MESSAS firmly established his background in Jewish studies having studied under the eminent
Talmudist Rabbi Isaac SEBBAG at the Keter Torah Yeshiva.
Rabbi MESSAS earned degrees in philosophy and general psychology and received several honors, including the Palmes Academiques
for his service to education and the Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. Most recently, Rabbi Messas was elected chief rabbi and
president of the Rabbinic Council of Paris."
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